Subsidiary Companies To Boycott

Other "business entities" of Richard A. Smith that are also part of the boycott.

RIP, Diane Smith Adamez: Jan 20, 1963 - Oct 15, 2010

RIP, Diane Smith Adamez: Jan 20, 1963 - Oct 15, 2010

Yesterday, October 15 marks the 4 year anniversary of the death of Diane Smith Adamez.
I met Diane on February 15, 1986. We married in 1990 and we had four children together. We divorced in 2005, and she died in a tragic car accident on October 15, 2010.
The fact is that Diane was in my life for almost 25 years. We dated for 4 years & were married for 15 years. We had 4 beautiful children together. I can say that there is not a single other person in the world who knew her as well or as intimately as I did.
Diane was my girlfriend, my fiancee, my wife, my ex-wife, but most importantly she was the mother of our 4 children.
For the past 4 years, since her death I have single-handedly raised our two minor daughters, Jennifer (16) and Morgan (15).
And it has been the most wonderful 4 years of my life.
Unfortunately, it has also been the worst 4 years of my life.
Since her death on October 15th 2010, my 2 minor girls & I have been victimized and abandoned by Diane's family, specifically by Diane's father, Richard A. Smith of Bryan, TX.

"Diane was in my life for almost 25 years. We were married for 15 years. We had 4 beautiful children together. Diane was my girlfriend, my fiancee, my wife, my ex-wife, but most importantly she was the mother of our 4 children. And as parents we HAD A GREAT estate plan in place to protect us in the event of the other parents' death."

Now it is time for the truth to come out.
Now is the time for the true story to be told about the events that ultimately lead to her untimely and tragic death. Also it is time for the truth and true story of how her family, and her own father have criminally and illegally done everything in their power to steal EVERYTHING that rightfully belonged to me AND the minor children after her death. 

The legal aspects of the probate and estate issues are very complex. 

The things that Richard A. Smith, Diane's father, our children's grandfather, has done as executor and trustee of the estate are numerous. Suffice it to say that any and all legal avenues, as well as illegal avenues were pursued and acted on by Richard A. Smith all in the attempt to wrongfully, and illegally deny me and the minor children of our rightful share and control of OUR ESTATE WHICH WAS AND IS LAWFULLY AND RIGHTFULLY OURS.

Many of you will possibly be turned off by my truthful and painful accounting of these events and incidents.
In fact they are really quite unbelievable. Most of you will think, "that stuff only happens in the movies" or that I may wrong in my accusations "because our legal system doesn't work like that in the real world". Many will also think that I am simply bitter, greedy, a gold digger, an opportunist, or just plain crazy.
All I can say is that each and every incident and act that I address in this series of stories that I will be posting will be backed up with actual documents, links to the actual case law, statutes and court rulings at the county, state and federal levels.

So I want to close with this.
  • I pray that you read and follow this series of posts that I will be making until the complete story is told.
  • I pray that you will share my story with as many people that you possibly can.
  • I pray that our story will serve as a cautionary tale to all parents and divorced parents.
  • I pray that our experience will save other people from having to suffer through what we have been through.
  • Lastly, I pray that by telling our story, that we might be able to bring the people responsible for our suffering to justice, and to get back everything that we were entitled to and everything that was rightfully our to begin with.
I welcome all feedback, questions or comments you have. I am happy to answer any questions. I welcome everyone's opinion.
Thank you my FB friends. I can say that I know all of my FB friends and that I have "friended" you because you have & had a special place in my heart, and were a part of my wonderful magical life growing up or part of my adult life. I love you all.

Jeff Adamez

Our Story

During the past four years, my 2 minor children and I have experienced and documented a consistent policy of Criminal Estate Abuse and Involuntary Redistribution of Assets relating to our Estate.

We are outraged.
Unless there is an immediate change in Richard A. Smith's illegal actions, we will follow through with this boycott.

Richard A. Smith, through the misuse or abuse of wills, trusts, guardianships, and other probate-related scenarios has effectively diverted & hidden assets away from two minor teenage girls, the intended heirs/beneficiaries of their mother's estate. Richard A. Smith's lawyers, accountants and other unethical participants – sometimes with complicity from probate and other courts – have separated all of us from our property, and our rightful inheritance.

Richard's Money

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